
Work plan

Work plan


Work plans describe the work steps that must be carried out to produce a manufacturing part. A work plan consists of work sequences, which in turn may have their own work plans. Each sequence of operations describes which workstations and which machines are required for the production of the part and for how long.

The basic heading includes an operation, a work station and a machine, and the times required for production are recorded.

A variant item is a conditional list of basic headings. When exploding the routing, the (single) item whose condition is the first to be fulfilled is used.


Input window

This window is used to maintain work plans. You can select a task list by entering the desired number in the Number field and confirming with RETURN. If several task lists with the number exist, the selection window is displayed and you can select the desired task list. If you want to call up the list window, you can select the menu item "Search".

If you create a new work plan, you must first save it before you can add work sequences. The creation date and user are preset and can be changed.

A work plan consists of one or more items, which can be structured differently:

  1. Single sequence
  2. Conditional sequence of operations

The single item contains a resource (work centre, work group, machine, supplier) which is required in the specified (constant or calculated) quantity.

If a supplier was specified as a resource on the routing item, this is referred to as an external work sequence(extended workbench). This means that the work defined using this sequence is not carried out by the company itself, but is ordered from the supplier specified in the resource. For more information, see Extended Workbench - External Sequences.

Since routings themselves are only assigned to the part to be produced (the part to be finished, e.g. water pump), but the purchase order for the external work must be created via another part or unit of activity (e.g. unit of activity galvanising), the order article via which the external work is ordered can also be specified on the work sequence.

An external work sequence therefore contains the following data, which makes it an external work sequence:

  • workplace (e.g. surface finishing)
  • Resource (e.g. supplier A)
  • Order article (e.g. performance unit "galvanising" (which article is subsequently on the order to the supplier as an external service to be rendered)

A variant item is a conditional list of basic headings. When exploding the routing, the (single) item whose condition is the first to be fulfilled is used.

You can change the order of the work plan sequences with "up" and "down" arrow buttons. To do this select a position and then move it up / down. The new sequence is automatically saved.

Before you use a routing (which contains conditional items or calculated/conditional time specifications), you should test it (Test Resolution).

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Sequence of work -
: : Insert -
: : : Single sequence Inserting a new single sequence
: : : Conditional sequence of work Inserting a new conditional sequence of operations
: : Edit Edit selected sequence of operations
: : Delete Delete selected sequence of operations
: Search terms -
: : Insert Insert search term
: : Remove Remove search term
: Validity Set validity
Copy Copy routing
Close Close window
Search Call up list window
Testing Resolution Test Call upResolve
Symbol Description
 new.png Creating a new work plan
 save.png Save changes
 delete.png Delete routing
 CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Print Preview
 CX_VALIDITY.png Set validity
 CX_TEST_OBJECT.png Testing Dissolve
 CX_ITEM.png Show part(s)
 CX_PRODUCT.png Show production articles
 CX_ITEM_use.png Display the usage of the task list
 pin.png  pinned.png Create/edit notes
 copytoclipboard.png Copying sequences of operations to the clipboard
 open.png Open first document
Field Description
Master data
: Number Work plan number. The formatting can be specified by the CX_JOB_SCHEDULE counter. It is also possible to set a counter using this counter. By default there is no formatting and no counter.
: Index Version of the work plan
Description Description text
: Search terms Search terms
: Editor Selected editor
date Creation date, can be changed manually
: Reference quantity the production quantity to which the data in the routing refer
Copied from Original work plan, if created via menu item "Copy
: Work sequences Listing of the work sequences
: : Show variants Variants are displayed
: Features List of characteristics
: Structure tree Using the structure tree on the left side, subfolders or subnodes(  CX_STRUCTURE.png ) can be generated. Associations (document references, parts, partial roles, partner functions, etc.) can be moved within the structure by drag & drop and thus structured. In addition, you can navigate through the structure tree to display the associations of the folder in the right-hand list.

(At present only document references can be structured).

: List The list of document references is on the right-hand side. The local document references are marked with the box symbol (  CX_DOCUMENT_INDEX_LOCAL.png ) and the global ones with the document reference icon (  CX_DOCUMENT_INDEX.png ) are shown. In addition, global document references can also be inserted as conditional tables. Of the associated documents, the description of the document reference is displayed next to the type. This can be either the short title in the operating language or the description text. The type and the file name are also displayed.

link: Description of the buttons for maintaining the assignments to the document references

Description of structure node For the folder (structure nodes) defined in the structure tree, a different description can be entered here and saved using the save button to the right of the field.
button Description
Master data
Editor Call up the user selection window
Insert EP Create new single item
Insert VP Create new variant item
Delete item Delete selected sequence of work plans
Open Opens the document of the selected document reference in the preview. Depending on the file type, Adobe Acrobat Reader, Word or, for example, Internet Explorer is started.
Insert When inserting, you can choose between local document references and global document references.
Context menu
Global document reference
Select Using the selection mask of the document references, an existing global document reference can be selected from the master data and associated with the object.
: Create A new global document reference is created and directly associated with the object.
Conditional table An existing global document reference can be selected via the selection mask of the document references. This document reference is then the first entry of a conditional table, which is associated with the object.
Local document reference
File (storage in database) A file can be selected, which is created as a local document reference and associated with the object. The file is imported and saved in the database.
: Email - Outlook import (storage in database) The e-mail marked in Outlook is created as a local document reference and associated with the object. The email is imported and saved in the database.
: Email attachment - Outlook import (storage in database) The attachment of the e-mail marked in Outlook is created as a local document reference and associated with the object. The attachment is imported and saved in the database.
: File (reference) A file can be selected. The path to this file is stored in the local document reference. The document is therefore not saved in the database, but the document reference refers to the original document.
: Email - Outlook Import (storage in directory) When this function is called, the e-mail marked in Outlook is saved in a directory (server directory). The file name and directory are defined by the user by means of a query. A local document reference is then automatically generated which refers to the saved email.
: Email attachment - Outlook Import (storage in directory) When this function is called, the file attachment of the e-mail marked in Outlook is saved in a directory (server directory). The file name and directory are defined by the user by means of a query, and the file name is preset based on the attachment. A local document reference is then automatically generated which refers to the saved file.

If the marked email has several attachments, one of the attachments must be selected by a user query.

Edit The document reference can be edited in its editing mask.
Remove If a global document reference is selected, the link between the document reference and the part is broken. Local document references are deleted.

List window

Used to list the work plans.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Check -
: : No value for piece time
: : External production -
: : : External production, show all
: : : External production with wrong units
Options Call up the option window
Symbol Description
 new.png Creating a new work plan
 open.png Edit work plan
 delete.png Delete routing
 CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Print Preview
 CX_ATTRIBUTE_search.png Search for material characteristics. All task lists are searched for the set characteristics. Task lists whose assigned parts correspond to this search are also displayed as search results. The positions of routings are also searched. The positions found are displayed in the search result window for task list positions.
 list_clear.png Empty list and delete search terms
 pin.png  pinned.png Create/edit notes
 copytoclipboard.png Copy all objects to the clipboard
Search fields
Field Description
Number Search by work plan number. Formatting can be specified by the CX_JOB_SCHEDULE counter. It is also possible to set a counter using this counter. By default there is no formatting and no counter.
Search Keyword Search by keyword
Editor Search for editor
Date Search by date
button Description
Edit The current work plan is displayed in the input window.
New An empty input window opens.
Delete The selected job plan is deleted.
Close The window is closed.

Work plan positions (across different work plans)

In this window the positions of the previously selected task lists are displayed.

Symbol Description
 copytoclipboard.png Copy listed parts list items to the clipboard + export + print
List fields
Column name Description
Type Type of the superior task list  CX_JOB_SCHEDULE.png
Work plan Number of the superior task list
Episode number of the sequence of operations in the work plan
Index Change index of the item
Place Quantity of the part (for a bill of materials) or required minutes (for a work plan)
Setup time Set-up time of the routing sequence
Piece time piece time of the work plan sequence
Lead time Lead time of the work plan sequence
Activity Activity to be carried out
Condition Condition for the work plan sequence

Selection window

This window is used to select a task list.

Search fields
Field Description
Number Search by work plan number. Formatting can be specified by the CX_JOB_SCHEDULE counter. It is also possible to set a counter using this counter. By default there is no formatting and no counter.
Search Keyword Search by keyword
Editor Search for editor
Date Search by date
button Description
OK The selected routing is adopted.
Close The selection is cancelled.

Option window

All settings for the search can be made here. The window can only be closed with the "OK" button.

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Set default settings all changed settings are reset to default
Field Description
Search options -
: Immediate take over in case of a hit If only one working plan is found during a search, this is opened in the input window
Clear the list before starting a new search The list is cleared before each new search
: General Search Use search terms from the work plan itself
Advanced search Search terms of the roles of the work plan are taken into account
Validity Validity
Number of objects Determines the maximum number of objects in the list that can be displayed during a search
button Description
OK The settings are saved and the window is closed.

Work plan items (search results)

If a search was carried out using set attributes, the positions to which the search applied are displayed here.

A search for attributes applies if the subitem itself has the attribute you are looking for in any specified form, or if the subitem has a formula or conditional table as a quantity that contains this characteristic.

For quantities as formulas or conditional values, the value of the characteristic is never checked.
This means that if you search for LENGTH=34mm, a BOM/routing item is not displayed, even if it contains a quantity table with an entry LENGTH=34mm.
Likewise, conditional BOM/routing items whose condition exactly matches the searched expression are not found.
Only if this position also has the fixed attribute LENGTH=34mm, it will be found.

So if you want to search all conditional entries and formulas for an attribute, you have to use the search on "available".

Menu item Description
 open.png The position selected in the list is opened for editing
 CX_JOB_SCHEDULE.png The task list selected in the list is opened for editing

A double click on an entry opens the editing mask of the position

button Description
Close The window is closed

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