
Cost centres

Cost centres


Cost centres are part of cost accounting alongside cost types and cost units. This module is used to maintain and display cost centres. This also includes the maintenance of planned costs.


Input window

This window is for maintaining cost centers. You can select an account by entering the desired account number in the "Number" field and confirming with RETURN. If you want to open the list window, you can select the menu item "Search".

The input of Job Accounting data is divided into different tabs on the window:

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Cost centre balances Output of cost balances of the cost centre per financial year and subordinate periods
: Planned costs -
: : Edit The plan costs of the cost centre can be maintained in a separate application
: : Check The planned costs stored for the cost centre and its subordinate cost elements are checked for consistency for a selected fiscal year and its periods. This involves checking to what extent the total of the individual periods (months) is consistent with the plan figures for the entire fiscal year. This involves checking the plan figures for a cost centre itself, for each cost centre-cost element combination and each cost element itself. An inconsistency can occur in particular due to errors in the import file (see below).

If there are any deviations, these are listed in a result window
: Validity Maintenance of the validity of the cost centre. Please note that when posting, the validity of a cost centre is checked with regard to the (start of the) posted period(s).
Close Close window
Search Call up list window

Symbol Description
 CX_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT.png Output of cost balances of the cost centre per financial year and subordinate periods
 CX_VALIDITY.png Maintenance of the validity of the cost centre. Please note that when posting, the validity of a cost centre is checked with regard to the (start of the) posted period(s).
 deftrans.png Job Accounting Document Settings
 net_standard.png Show organization chart
 pin.png  pinned.png Create/edit memos for the cost centre.

Cost centre

The core data of a cost centre are entered in this tab.

Field Description
Cost centre -
: Number Unique number of the cost centre
Abbreviation Short name of the cost centre
: Designation Long text of the cost centre
Comment If a comment is stored with the account, the symbol  pinned.png issued
: Responsible Responsible employee of the cost centre (cost centre management)
: deputy Deputy of the responsible employee of the cost centre
Working hours -
set of rules Set of rules for the flexitime evaluation of assigned employees, unless they have their own rules on the employee role
: Working hours Working times for employees who are assigned to the cost centre and have not entered their own working time on the employee role.
Organization -
Belongs to Specification of the superordinate cost centre. With a right mouse click in this field, you can branch to the higher-level cost centre, whereby the originally edited cost centre can then be found there in the list of subordinate cost centres
: Contains Output the cost centres subordinate to this cost centre. The maintenance results always only from subordinate to superordinate cost centres by specification in the field "Belongs to" (see above)

This tab shows the employees assigned to this cost centre. The assignment of an employee to his cost centre is done in the module for maintaining an employee

List fields
Field Description
Number Employee's personnel number
Abbreviation (Dictation) abbreviation of the employee
Name Name of the employee
First name First name of the employee
Phone Telephone extension number of the employee

In this tab, the other objects assigned to this cost centre such as workstations, machines are displayed (i.e. all assignments to a cost centre with the exception of the employees, who are shown separately in the previous tab).

List fields
Field Description
Number Number of the assigned object (e.g. workstation, machine, etc.)
Name Name of the assigned object
Designation Name of the assigned object
Cost rates

The cost rates (overhead rates) of a cost centre are maintained in this tab. The cost rates are stored as characteristics, the name of the characteristic determines the (type of) overhead rate(s).

List fields
Field Description
Name Name of the cost rate. The name of the variable of the wage supplement rate is "wages.primeOverheadRate".
Value Value of the cost rate (generally a percentage)

In this tab, cost centre dependent domains (or in the context of cost centres also called company codes) can be set up. This information is maintained only by the system administrator.

List fields
Field Description
ID Unique identification of a domain declaration
short name Short name of the domain declaration
Class Specification of the object class that is to be placed in a separate company code using this cost centre
Read Bit pattern when reading the class
Letter Bit pattern when writing the class

button Description
OK Changes to the account are saved. If no changes are made, the button is locked.
New The input window is cleared.
Delete The displayed account track is deleted.
Close The window is closed without saving changes. If you want to save the changes, you must press the "OK" button.

Start script

Interval checks The interval checks and start scripts are inherited from top to bottom in the hierarchy. This means: If these settings are set in the client, they are valid for all users until the user's cost centre, a higher-level cost centre or the user himself has changed these settings on the corresponding editing masks.
: Check resubmissions This allows you to check activity documents with the activity type "planning", which are created with a resubmission date with or without time. The resubmissions of the logged-in user can be queried in intervals. Messages which have an earlier or current date for resubmission and the status "Read" is not set are then automatically displayed on the screen.
: Interval Time interval, at which intervals it should be checked whether resubmissions exist.
: Changeable by user The user settings allow the user to change the values for the interval check continuously.
: Inherited If a check mark is set, the fields (except for "Can be changed by user") cannot be changed and receive their settings (which are now also displayed here on the mask) from higher-level cost centres or the client.
: Question mark button The question mark button takes you to the editing mask of the object from which the settings have been inherited (if appropriate permissions are available). If there are no authorisations for opening the object, you can move the mouse over the button, which displays a tooltip indicating from which object the data was inherited.
: Check system messages The system messages of the logged-in user can be retrieved at intervals. If there are new messages that have not yet been moved to the "Read" status or with a later date for resubmission, they are automatically displayed on the screen.
: Interval Time interval at which the system checks whether system messages are available.
: Changeable by user The user settings allow the user to change the values for the interval check continuously.
: Inherited If a check mark is set, the fields (except for "Can be changed by user") cannot be changed and receive their settings (which are now also displayed here on the mask) from higher-level cost centres or the client.
: Question mark button The question mark button takes you to the editing mask of the object from which the settings have been inherited (if appropriate permissions are available). If there are no authorisations for opening the object, you can move the mouse over the button, which displays a tooltip indicating from which object the data was inherited.
Start script A start script that should be executed once after the user has logged in:

InstantView® script that runs automatically immediately after login.

If, for example, the birthday calendar is always to be called for the period "from today, 1 week", the following script must be entered

CreateTransObject(CX_SPAN_DATE) "today" Over Put 1week Over Put(duration) SendMsg(SHOW_PERSON_BIRTHDAY)

: Changeable by user The user settings allow the user to change the values for the interval check continuously.
: Inherited If a check mark is set, the fields (except for "Can be changed by user") cannot be changed and receive their settings (which are now also displayed here on the mask) from higher-level cost centres or the client.
: Question mark button The question mark button takes you to the editing mask of the object from which the settings have been inherited (if appropriate permissions are available). If there are no authorisations for opening the object, you can move the mouse over the button, which displays a tooltip indicating from which object the data was inherited.

The interval checks and start scripts are inherited from top to bottom in the hierarchy. This means: If these settings are set in the client, they are valid for all users until the user's cost centre, a higher-level cost centre or the user himself has changed these settings on the corresponding editing masks.

List window

Lists the cost centres.

Selection fields
Field Description
Number Search by cost centre number
Abbreviation Search via cost centre abbreviations or their short name
Designation Search via cost centres Designation
Suppress cost centre nodes If this selection is set, only those cost centers that do not include other (sub)cost centers are displayed. This selection can only be selected in the list display

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Cost centre balances The costs incurred in the financial year for the cost centre selected in the list are listed in the Account Balances module
: Planned costs -
: : Edit The plan costs of the cost centre selected in the list can be maintained in a separate application
: : Check The plan costs stored for cost centres and their subordinate cost elements are checked for consistency for a selected fiscal year and its periods. This involves checking to what extent the sum of the individual periods (months) is consistent with the planned figure for the entire fiscal year. This involves checking the plan figures for a cost centre itself, for each cost centre-cost element combination and each cost element itself. An inconsistency can occur in particular due to errors in the import file (see below).

If there are any deviations, these are listed in a result window
: : Import If an Excel file with the columns
  1. Client number
  2. Cost centre number
  3. Cost element structure (classification term): if a grouping of planned costs is planned (see also cost centre evaluation per organisation chart)
    In the options you can set whether the structure should be found via the structure ID or the short name. The structure ID or the short name of the cost element evaluation group must be entered here
  4. Cost element structure nodes: if a grouping of planned costs is intended.
    In the options you can set whether the structure node should be found via the structure ID or the short name. Enter the structure ID or short name of the structure node within the cost element evaluation group
  5. Cost element number
  6. Annual budget cost
is available, this data (from line 2, the first line is assumed to be the header line) can be imported as planned costs for a selected fiscal year.

The imported annual planned costs are distributed equally over the individual periods of the fiscal year, depending on the number of periods in the fiscal year (therefore also possible for short fiscal years). The difference between the annual plan number and the sum of the period values, which may occur due to rounding, is included in the plan value of the last period processed.

For individual cost centres, the imported plan costs can be maintained manually in the module for displaying the balances .
: : Delete The planned costs stored for cost centres and subordinate cost elements or cost element structures are deleted for a selected fiscal year and its periods. Deleting the plan costs of only one cost centre is done in a separate application.
Close Close window
Options A window opens for maintaining options for viewing and displaying cost centres

Symbol Description
 CX_FINANCIAL_ACCOUNT.png Call up the cost account of the selected cost centre
 CX_VALIDITY.png Calls the validity maintenance screen of the selected cost centre
 tree_view.png  list_view.png Displaying the cost centre list in tree/list view
 net_standard.png Display of the cost centres as an organigram
 CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Easy printing of the cost centre list
 copytoclipboard.png Copying the cost centre list to the clipboard
 pin.png  pinned.png Create/edit notes for the selected cost centre in the list

button Description
Edit The selected account is displayed in the input window
New An empty input window is opened
Delete The selected account is deleted.
Close The window is closed.

Results window

This window lists the cost centers and/or cost elements for which the planned cost audit trail has found an inconsistency.

Symbol Description
 CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Easy printing of the cost centre list
 copytoclipboard.png Copying the cost centre list to the clipboard

List fields
Field Description
Planning year Plan year of the audit
Cost centre Number of the incorrect cost centre
Type of cost Number of the incorrect cost element
Annual planned value Annual plan value of the cost centre or cost centre/cost element combination
Total planned value for the period Total of the period plan value of the cost centre or cost centre/cost element combination
Deviation Absolute deviation between the number of annual plans and the sum of the periods Plan values
Dev.% Percentage deviation between the number of annual plans and the sum of the periods Plan values
Error Output of the error message text

Selection window

This window is for selecting a cost center.

Selection fields
Field Description
Number Search by cost centre number
Abbreviation Search via cost centre abbreviations or their short name
Designation Search via cost centres Designation
Suppress cost centre nodes If this selection is set, only those cost centers that do not include other (sub)cost centers are displayed. Is set as default setting in the selection mask

Menu item Description
Options -
: Validity -
: : currently valid
: : all cost centres

button Description
OK The selected cost center is transferred.
Close The selection is cancelled.

Option window

This window is used to maintain options for the presentation and display of cost centres, as well as information on the import of planned costs

Menu item Description
Edit -
: Set default settings All settings are reset

Field Description
Cost centres
: Validity -
: : With exchange object For invalid cost centers, the valid cost center exchange object is listed
: : Without exchange object Invalid cost centres are listed without any exchange object
: : Valid cost centres Only valid cost centres are listed
: : All cost centres Invalid cost centres are also listed
Planned costs import
: Cost type structure -
: : Read in by ID The structure (group) assigned to a cost element is identified from the import file by the ID of the structure node
: : : Read in by short name The structure (group) assigned to a cost element is identified from the import file by the short name of the structure node

button Description
OK Settings are saved and the window is closed

Related topics

Technical documentation


 costcent.bmp (8118 bytes)

Cost centres basic module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
COST_CENTER_CHANGED Cost centre object Cost centres have been changed
COST_CENTER_CREATED Cost centre object Cost centres were created
COST_CENTER_DELETED Cost centre object Job Accounting was deleted

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module
EDIT_COST_CENTER NULL or cost centre object Displaying the Job Accounting input window Cost centre editing module

Cost centre editing module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
COST_CENTER_CHANGED Cost centre object Cost centres have been changed
COST_CENTER_CREATED Cost centre object Cost centres were created
COST_CENTER_DELETED Cost centre object Job Accounting was deleted
EDIT_COST_CENTER NULL or cost centre object Displaying the Job Accounting input window
EMPLOYEE_SELECTED Employee object Employee was selected
LIST_COST_CENTER Collection cost centre objects or NULL Displaying the Job Accounting list window
LOAD_COST_CENTER Import cost centres

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module
COST_CENTER_CHANGED Cost centre object Cost centres were changed
COST_CENTER_CREATED Cost centre object Cost centres were created
COST_CENTER_DELETED Cost centre object Job Accounting was deleted
EDIT_COST_CENTER NULL or cost centre object Displaying the Job Accounting input window Cost centre editing module
LIST_COST_CENTER Displaying the Job Accounting list window Cost centre editing module
LIST_STRUCTURE NULL or structure object Call up input window for structures Structure Editing Module
SELECT_EMPLOYEE NULL or Collection employee objects Call up selection window for employees Employee selection module
SHOW_PREVIEW Widget Print Preview Print Preview

Cost centre selection module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security
COST_CENTER_CHANGED Cost centre object Cost centres have been changed
COST_CENTER_CREATED Cost centre object Cost centres were created
COST_CENTER_DELETED Cost centre object Job Accounting was deleted
SELECT_COST_CENTER Collection cost centre objects or NULL, recipient of the response Calling up the Job Accounting selection window

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receiver module
COST_CENTER_SELECTED Cost centre object, receiver Cost centres were selected
EDIT_COST_CENTER NULL or cost centre object Displaying the Job Accounting input window Cost centre editing module

Operational business