
Evaluation of cost elements

Evaluation of cost elements


If cost elements of cost accounting are structured by means of classification keys (below structure trees of the type "P&L", "BWA" or "TAS"), business management evaluations (BWA) can be created using this module. Analogous to this module, there is the account evaluation for G/L accounts in financial accounting.

For each structure main and sub node, the current costs of the selected posting period (period costs) and the cumulative costs from the beginning of the fiscal year belonging to the posting period up to the specified accrual period - or optionally up to the end of the corresponding fiscal year - are displayed. A period range can also be specified as the current posting period, e.g. to make a quarterly evaluation.

Optionally, the cost element accounts organised in a structure node can be issued additionally with the corresponding costs.

If several company codes are assigned to a client, the cost element evaluation can be called up for individual company codes or cumulatively for several company codes simultaneously.


The left part of the window shows the selected structure. Depending on how far this tree is expanded, the costs are displayed in the right part of the window. Optionally, you can set whether you also want the accounts organised in a node to be expanded and thus listed in the right part.

Menu item Description
Options -
: Structure view here you can choose whether you want to have only the structure nodes or also the cost element accounts organised in the structure nodes displayed in the right-hand view of the selected structure

The validity of the cost elements is determined by the selected posting period, i.e. if a structure node contains invalid cost elements for the selected posting period, these are not displayed.

Symbol Description
 CX_AMOUNT_calculation.png When all presets are set as desired, the BWA is listed.
 list_save.png Save the current list. You can call up saved lists via the module.
 copytoclipboard.png Copy the list to the clipboard.
 CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Easy printing of the list.
Field Description
Structure Selection of the structure in which cost elements are organised (COST_TYPE_STRUCTURE).

If individual structure nodes are created using  tree_collapsed.png opened and then closed again, the structure remains "open" internally, i.e. the evaluation also shows substructures that have been opened once. To avoid this, the entire window must be closed and then opened again
Posting period The first time the mask is opened, the posting periods of the current fiscal year are displayed. The current posting period is pre-selected. By pressing the "Posting period" button you can select previous financial years.
to Option to specify the period to be evaluated as a range, e.g. to make a quarterly evaluation
If the option "to" can be selected, the end of the period range is entered here
Output planned costs Show or hide planned costs and variance columns
Domains This group is only visible if domains have been set up for financial accounting accounts within the clients
List List of established domains. The domains assigned to the logged on client are automatically preselected.

However, other or several domains can be selected simultaneously (consolidation)
Company codes If a posting to company codes is planned for the client, you can also have the account evaluation output for individual or several company codes.

If one or more company codes are selected, then you can specify in the next field "deduct" whether the values of the selected company code(s) should be deducted from the client, i.e. you receive a cost element evaluation of the client (including any additionally selected domains) without the values of the selected company code(s)
Accumulated values -
: End of period Cumulation of costs from the beginning of the financial year to the end of the selected accounting period.
: End of financial year Accumulation of costs over the entire financial year.
List By double-clicking on a cost element selected in the list, the postings of the displayed period are listed. If no postings were made in the period, all period balances of the posting year are displayed.

By means of the right mouse button it is possible to display the period balances of the selected financial year or the postings of the selected or all accumulated periods
List structure
Column Description
Symbol Symbol whether structure node or account
Node Identification of the structure node
Short name of the structure node
Account Cost item number
Designation Description of cost element
Actual costs period The costs in the selected period
Planned costs period Plan costs in the selected period
Dev.% Variance between actual and planned costs in the selected period in %.
Actual costs cumulated The cumulative costs from the beginning of the selected financial year to the end of the selected accrual period
Cumulative planned costs The cumulative planned costs from the beginning of the selected financial year to the end of the selected cut-off period
Dev.% Variance between actual and planned costs from the beginning of the selected business year to the end of the selected accrual period in %.

Related topics

Technical documentation

Evaluation of cost elements

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameters Function Security

Sent messages

Message Parameters Function

Operational business