
Fixed Assets Schedule

Assets analysis


A statement of changes in fixed assets shows the development of fixed assets from the original historical acquisition and production costs through the additions, disposals, transfers and write-ups of the past financial year, the accumulated depreciation, as well as the book value on the balance sheet date.

The fixed-asset movement schedule therefore does not show the development during the financial year to be closed, i.e. from the residual book value at the end of the previous year to the residual book value at the end of the financial year (see the fixed-asset movement schedule), but from the original acquisition or production costs to the residual book value on the respective balance sheet date.

A reconciliation of the columns of a statement of changes in fixed assets can therefore be made as follows:

Original acquisition or production costs
plus additions of a business year
minus disposals of a financial year
+/- transfers of a business year
minus accumulated depreciation
plus write-ups of a financial year
= book value at the end of the financial year

Normally, an asset history sheet is presented sorted by asset classes, which primarily follow the structure of a balance sheet. Since assets are also assigned to asset groups (classification according to properties) and cost centres, the asset history sheet can also be output according to these structured classification terms.


List window

Used to list the attachment mirror objects.

After selecting a structure and the business year, click on the totals button. The total sums of the fixed assets are then displayed in the "Fixed asset classes" line.

The list can now be broken down to each individual fixed asset.

Icon Description
CX_AMOUNT_calculation.png Show asset history sheet
CX_PRINTER_hardcopy.png Simple printout of the asset history sheet
copytoclipboard.png Call to print the asset history sheet

Button Description
Structure/organigram Right-click to switch between "Structure" or "Organisation chart".

If "Structure" has been selected, the asset history sheet can be output either by "Asset class" (classification term "CX_ASSET_TYPE") or "Asset group" (classification term "ASSET_GROUP"). If the button is pressed, classification terms beginning with "ASSET_" in the name can be output.
Field Description
Structure/organigram Depending on the setting, a structure node (asset class, asset group or cost centre organisation chart) can be selected. The structure is displayed as a tree on the left below.

If the tree is expanded, you can also drag and drop the tree nodes below into this field and have the asset history sheet output from this node only.
Financial year Selection of the business year for which the fixed asset movement schedule is to be created.
With fixed assets Option whether the fixed assets assigned to a structure node are also to be output in the fixed asset movement schedule.
List column Description
Level Level of the structure node (or asset) within the structure.
Asset class/group Name of the structure node
A/H Cost Original acquisition or production cost
Addition Additions are recognised at their acquisition or production cost
Disposal Disposals are shown at their original (historical) acquisition or production cost
Transfer Transfers are made in the amount of the original acquisition or production costs. Any depreciation incurred must also be regrouped: currently not supported, as fixed assets can also be moved within the fixed assets (asset classes or asset groups) without transfer postings.
Accum. Depreciation Sum of all unscheduled and scheduled depreciation on the fixed asset from the beginning of use up to and including the indicated reporting year.
Write-up Only the value-increasing corrections of the past financial year are to be shown under the write-ups
Book value FY Book value of the asset in the selected financial year
Depreciation GJ Depreciation amount in the selected financial year

Related topics

Technical documentation


Fixed asset schedule basic module

Module name





In addition to restricting access rights via the class and its data fields, the module can be restricted in its use via some of the received messages.

Received messages
Message Parameter Function Security
FIXED_ASSET_SCHEDULE_CHANGED Fixed_asset_schedule_changed object Asset schedule has been changed
FIXED_ASSET_SCHEDULE_CREATED Fixed_asset_schedule_object Asset mirror was created
FIXED_ASSET_SCHEDULE_DELETED Asset_schedule_object Asset schedule has been deleted

Sent messages
Message Parameters Function Receive module
EDIT_FIXED_ASSET_SCHEDULE NULL or attachment mirror object Call up input window for asset history sheet Position mirror editing module

Operational business